The Pool & Marina
The Pool is CLOSED
The Pool is located at 1025 Marina Dr.
Pool tags will not be used this season. You will need proof of residency in Forest Cove (drivers license, electric bill etc.) and all dues need to be in good standing. Your name will be placed on a list that will allow access to the pool. Show proof of residency to life guard on duty.
Non Residents can purchase a pool pass for the season by contacting weareforestcove@gmail.com
The pool is open Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Pool is Open Tuesday to Sunday
12 noon - 8 pm
Hours may be more limited when school is in session.
Monday: Closed for Maintenance.
If the pool is open on a Monday holiday (like Memorial Day) it will be closed the following Tuesday.
Marina is OPEN
The Forest Cove Marina is a boat launch that gives residents access to an oxbow lake. The lake previously connected to the West Fork of the San Jacinto River, but the mouth of the cove sanded up during flooding events and was not dredged. During high water boats may or may not be able to access the main river. Generally the lake is good for fishing, kayaking, and general sightseeing.
For Marina Access Email : weareforestcove@gmail.com