The next FCPOA meeting will be held 1-23-25 at 7:30pm at the old Firehouse (1110 Mustang Trail)
If you would prefer to attend virtually please reach out to Nicole at: for a zoom invite.
From Fred Flickinger’s office
The National Weather Service has issued the following alerts for Houston:
Winter Storm Warning from 6:00 p.m. Monday to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday
Extreme Cold Watch from 6:00 p.m. Tuesday to Wednesday 9:00 a.m.
Tonight, and tomorrow morning will be the coldest we have seen, with nearly the entire area falling into the mid to upper 10’s. This will be extremely dangerous temperatures with damage to even protected infrastructure possible. Many roads are now currently frozen over, so don't drive unless absolutely necessary.
Protective Actions
Preparations to protect life and property should be rushed to completion. Prepare for power outages and have non-perishable food and water on hand. Do not travel unless it is an emergency. If you must travel, keep an extra blanket, flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case you become stranded.
When cold weather occurs, Houstonians should remember to protect the Four 'P's: People, Pets, Pipes, and Plants.
Dress in warm, layered clothing, including gloves, a coat, and a hat when you are outside.
Never leave children or the elderly in vehicles during cold weather, as they can act as refrigerators and expose anyone inside to sub-freezing temperatures.
Never use a generator, grill, camp-stove, or any gasoline, propane, natural gas or charcoal-burning device to heat your home (or any enclosed area). These devices can generate carbon monoxide, which cannot be seen or smelled, but is deadly.
Protect your pets by ensuring that they have a warm, safe place to sleep. The best place for a pet to sleep is in a heated environment.
Do not shave your dog down to the skin in winter. A longer coat provides more warmth.
Never leave your animal in a car during cold weather. Cars can act as refrigerators in the winter, holding in the cold and causing animals to freeze to death.
For more cold-weather tips for pets, visit the ASPA's 'Cold Weather Safety Tips' webpage:
During cold weather, pipes may freeze and rupture, causing water leaks and damage to your home. Protect your home by opening the cabinets under kitchen and bathroom sinks to allow air from your home's heater to warm the pipes under the sink.
Insulate outdoor faucets and pipes with insulation or newspaper, and be sure to disconnect and drain hoses from outdoor spigots.
Protect plants from freezing by covering them with plant-cover fabric, or a light blanket with plastic sheeting on top of it.
Bring in potted plants or group them together, near the edge of a building. Remember that soil in containers can get just as cold as the air temperature, and cause the roots to freeze, even if the above-surface leaves survive.
Resources for Information
Warming Centers:
There will be 10 warming centers the City of Houston operates.
Acres Homes MSC - 6719 W. Montgomery Rd., Houston, TX 77091
Denver Harbor MSC - 6402 Market St., Houston, TX 77007
Fonde CC - 110 Sabine St., Houston, TX 77007
Kashmere MSC - 4802 Lockwood Dr., Houston, TX 77026
Magnolia MSC - 7037 Capitol St., Houston, TX 77011
Metropolitan MSC - 1475 W. Gray St., Houston, TX 77019
Moody CC - 3725 Fulton St., Houston, TX 77009
Northeast MSC - 9720 Spaulding St., Houston, TX 77016
Southwest MSC - 6400 High Star Dr., Houston, TX 77074
Sunnyside MSC - 4410 Reed Road, Houston, TX 77051
All of the above warming centers will open on Sunday, 1/19/2025 @ 6pm and close midday Thursday, 1/23/25.
What will the rules of the warming centers be?
Animal kennels will be pre-staged at Fonde CC and Metropolitan MSC, and BARC animal control officers will be able to deliver other kennels as necessary
Individuals who arrive with items will be allowed to keep their items with them while they are at the warming centers
Light snacks and water will be provided at all warming centers
How can people get to the warming centers?
Anybody can show up to a warming center at any point now.
If someone needs a ride to a warming center they can call 311 and request a zTrip that will take them to any open warming center
Where can people get information on the warming centers?
Here is a link to a dynamic map that will be updated when we are made aware of additional warming centers being run by other partners
Be weather-ready by setting your Power Alert Service text, email, or phone call contact preferences before it arrives. CenterPoint can send outage alerts to up to 15 contacts for each electric account you manage. Follow this link to sign up. Should a power outage occur, you may visit the CenterPoint Outage information page here.
Monitor Official Sources for Current Information: Houston Office of Emergency Management (, Houston TranStar (, and the National Weather Service Houston/Galveston Forecast Office (
Timely information during emergencies is important. AlertHouston delivers critical information to Houston residents regarding current conditions, expected impacts, and protective actions to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. Sign up today at
Fred Flickenger Monthly Newsletter - Find the whole document HERE
Dear District E Residents,
I hope each of you had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving with family and friends. As 2024 ends, I reflect on the many blessings this first year has provided and the challenges we've encountered and overcome. I can't help but be grateful for the opportunity to serve the City of Houston and the residents of District E.
I am grateful to have met the people I have, to work daily with my colleagues around the council table, and to be involved in the many exciting projects and developments underway across the district. I am so proud of all the hard work, dedication, and growth of our community from starting the efforts to restore our medians to the continued expansion of our Houston Spaceport, District E continues to stand out in the City of Houston.
I am so happy to see all the continued progress of the Northpark Overpass Project, sidewalk installations, panel replacements, additional mowing, and planting of trees throughout District E that have all been possible through the District E Council District Service Fund.
There are still multiple developments in the works over the course of 2025 and opportunities for key legislation at the state level this year that will enhance and protect the quality of life for residents and generate a significant economic impact, not only for District E but the city as a whole. I look forward to bringing more news about these projects and developments in the new year.
The District E Office will be closed on Tuesday, December 24, and Wednesday, December 25, in observance of the Christmas Holiday. Lastly, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season.
Contact: Dustin Hodges (832) 393-3008
Chestnut Ridge Drainage Improvement Project Scheduled
HOUSTON – Council Member Fred Flickinger would like to make Kingwood area residents aware that Houston Public Works will begin drainage improvements on Chestnut Ridge starting Monday, September 30, weather permitting. The scope of work includes ditch regrading, culvert replacement (with driveway reconstruction if necessary), and the installation of underground stormwater lines and inlets where needed. The project cost is $1.6 million and is funded through the dedicated drainage and street renewal capital fund.
Crews will be mobilized on-site beginning Monday, September 30, and the project is anticipated to be completed by Sunday, March 30, 2025, weather permitting. Construction activities are expected to take place Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. There are no planned impacts to the sanitary sewer system. During the course of the work, some minor water line adjustments will be necessary. Citizens will be notified 72 hours in advance of any water outages.
As a result of the construction activities, please be aware of flagmen and orange traffic cones that will be in place on-site to help with traffic flow through the construction zone, as the project will require one lane closure at times. Residents will have access to driveways and sidewalks at all times, but may experience an increase in noise levels due to trucks and equipment in the area.
For more information, please contact the District E office at (832) 393-3008 or via email at
September 11, 2024 message from Fred Flickinger
Dear District E Residents,
We’ve hit the ground running with the start of the school year and are already gearing up for National Night Out on Tuesday, October 1. Since its founding in 1984, National Night Out has served as a national crime-prevention initiative aimed at furthering police-community partnerships, fostering neighborhood camaraderie, and deterring criminal activity. I'm looking forward to my first National Night Out as the District E Council Member visiting as many neighborhoods as possible and interacting with the community. I encourage you all to take the opportunity to participate in these events by reaching out to your local community or homeowner’s association, to make sure we have your event on our radar please visit this link.
With public safety being a priority heading into fall, I wanted to share how my Council District Service Fund is being utilized this fiscal year. At the beginning of each fiscal year, July, I submit projects for approval to the Mayor’s Office and City Legal Department. These projects are based on the District E Case Work, which is derived from phone calls and emails from District E residents. Council District Service Funds are provided to each District Council Member through the City’s General Fund and separated into two buckets. One bucket is for infrastructure-related projects used in District E mostly for panel replacements while the other is utilized for more diverse district needs like supporting police overtime.
Those submittals include our monthly weekend electronic recycling events, mowing across District E, removal of dead and dangerous trees along major thoroughfares, and over $120,000 dedicated to increasing public safety for District E through Houston Police Department Overtime Initiatives and Houston Fire Department equipment. Each of these projects is carefully selected to meet the needs of all District E residents. The infrastructure projects have also been approved and the expectation is for these projects to also be started before the end of the year. The infrastructure projects include panel replacements on Bay Area Blvd, Space Center Blvd, Clear Lake City Blvd, and Kingwood Drive. We look forward to working with our City Departments to start these projects before the end of the year.
Finally, I want District E residents to save the date for upcoming town hall meetings in September and October.
Kingwood/Lake Houston
Thursday, September 19th
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Kingwood Community Center
Tuesday, October 22nd
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
OneMovement Bible Church
Clear Lake
Thursday, October 24th
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership
We have invited CenterPoint to attend the town hall meetings to be able to speak about what they are doing in each area of the district to strengthen the resiliency of their infrastructure. I have also extended invitations to several city departments, including Houston Public Works and Houston Parks and Recreation, as well as a range of community speakers and elected officials. In addition to various information tables for residents to peruse before the meetings begin. I look forward to everyone hearing these updates and addressing community questions, comments, and concerns. This is the perfect opportunity to engage with your community and have your questions answered. We hope you will join us. Please feel free to invite a neighbor, friend or colleague! Everyone is welcome to attend.
District E Residents,
I hope that everyone is safe as we begin the recovery process following the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl. I am urging those who do not need to be on the roads to please stay put as crews continue to clear any roadways and downed lines. By staying off the roads, first responders and repair crews are better able to reach emergencies, remove debris, and restore power as quickly as possible.
I want to first provide a HUGE thank you to our Houston Police Officers, Firefighters, and Public Works employees for their long shifts, efforts, and response to the needs of our city during and following Hurricane Beryl.
The professionalism and true grit of all our City's first responders, Houston Public Works employees and Solid Waste Management employees is unparalleled and I am thankful for their commitment to our residents. Many if not all of their own homes, families, and stations were impacted by the loss of power too.
CenterPoint’s system has experienced significant damage. There are approximately 1.7 million customers in the Houston region still without power. Approximately 760,000 of these customers are within Houston city limits. CenterPoint has restored 100,000 customers in Houston since last night. With nearly 12,000 field resources/technicians working in the area, CenterPoint is estimating power to be restored to at least one million regional customers by the end of tomorrow, Wednesday, July 10.
Stay at least 35 feet away from any downed power lines and immediately report them to 911 or CenterPoint Energy at 713-207-2222.
If you are aware of family or neighbors on dialysis or need power for medical assistance, call 911 or contact our office so we can assist. Please also make sure they registered with State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR).
If you smell gas in your home, please evacuate immediately and report to CenterPoint at 713-659-2111.
First responders, city departments, and TxDOT are in the field assessing damage, addressing live wires, and clearing debris. Of the city’s 2,500 traffic signals, Houston Public Works (HPW), Houston Police Department (HPD), and TxDOT are working to make repairs to the approximately 1,000 that remain completely out or flashing red.
HPD is running on full-mobilization, meaning every officer able to work is working either a 12-hour day or 12-hour night shift. All stations are running properly or on generator power. There have not been any delays in calls for service or extended wait times for priority 1 or 2 calls.
Houston Fire Department (HFD) ran 3,000 calls in their last shift and have already hit 1,000 today. Nine HFD stations are without power and those crews have been relocated. There have not been any delays in calls for service.
If any residents do not already receive Alert Houston updates, I encourage you all to take a moment right now, and go sign up online at the link provided. These updates are extremely helpful before, during and after emergency events.
I know most residents are working diligently on their homes and businesses today, cleaning up storm debris. If you have storm debris that needs pick up, please report it to Houston 3-1-1 to be picked up by calling (713) - 837 - 0311. After you call in your storm debris for pick up, please follow up by emailing with your service request number and address.
My office will not be issuing a July Monthly Newsletter and will resume our monthly newsletter in August.
Stay safe,
Fred Flickinger
Storm Debris Collection
Residents with storm debris should place debris between the sidewalk and the street, or it will not be collected. Please report your storm debris to Houston 311 (713-837-0311). If you have trouble reporting your storm debris to 311 please email our office ( and we will make sure it gets reported.
If you don't have a sidewalk, ditch, or utility line in front of your home, place debris at the edge of your property before the curb. Do not stack or lean debris on trees, fire hydrants, or other structures.
Please remember to separate your debris into the following six categories:
Normal Household Trash:
Normal household trash and bagged debris of any kind will not be picked up as part of this program. Continue to follow your normal garbage removal schedule.
Vegetative Debris:
leaves (not in bags), logs, plants & tree branches
Construction & Demolition Debris:
building materials, carpet, drywall, furniture, lumber, mattresses, and plumbing
Appliances & White Goods:
air conditioners, dishwashers, freezers, refrigerators, etc.
computers, radios, televisions, and other devices with cords
Household Hazardous waste
cleaning supplies, batteries, lawn chemicals, oils, paints & stains, and pesticides
Reporting Storm Damage
It is very important if your home was damaged in this storm event, report it to the Texas Division of Emergency Management.
Property damage reports help officials determine eligibility for disaster assistance and identify resource needs.
Fill out the survey online:
Reporting damages to the Texas Division of Emergency Management is voluntary and not a substitute for reporting damage to your insurance agency.
Here are some general insurance recovery resources.
Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Reporting Claims:
Online: Use the Policyholder Portal
Chat: Use the 24-hour chat option on the claims webpage
Text: Text "Hello" to (512) 645-2846
Call: Call (800) 788-8247, select option 1
TWIA Claim Reporting Checklist
Solid Waste Management Department (SWM)
Collection and Facility Schedule
The City of Houston's Solid Waste Management Department (SWM) announces additional service interruptions for this week. Due to the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl’s high winds and rain across the City, SWM will operate a modified collection schedule for the remainder of the week.
For additional information, download the HTX Collects mobile application or contact the 3-1-1 call center. Residents can also use the 3-1-1 online portal at to report any storm-related concerns. Please see the collection schedule changes below:
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Monday’s garbage and heavy tree waste will be collected. Storm debris collections will resume. All six Neighborhood Depositories will reopen, but all other facilities will remain closed. Recycling and yard waste services will be suspended for the remainder of the week and will be collected on your next regularly scheduled collection day.
Additionally, SWM will conduct city-wide damage assessments from Hurricane Beryl.
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Tuesday’s garbage, heavy tree waste, and storm debris will be collected. All SWM facilities will reopen.
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Thursday’s garbage, heavy tree waste, and storm debris will be collected.
Friday, July 12, 2024
Friday’s garbage, heavy tree waste, and storm debris will be collected.
Saturday, July 13, 2024
Heavy tree waste and storm debris operations will continue.
State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry
The State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR) program is a free registry that provides local emergency planners and emergency responders with additional information on the needs in their community.
Texas communities use the registry information in different ways. Registering yourself in the STEAR registry DOES NOT guarantee that you will receive a specific service during an emergency. Available services will vary by community. For more information on how your community will use information in the STEAR registry, contact your local emergency management office or visit
Cooling Centers - July 11th, 2024
The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for most of the week already with heat index values in the triple digits. People without adequate transportation to a designated cooling center can call 311 to request a free ride. The city and county are in the process of opening several cooling centers to be open today:
Kingwood Community Center
Address: 4102 Rustic Woods, Houston TX 77345
Hours: 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Southwest Multi-Service Center
Address: 6400 High Star Dr., Houston, Texas 77074
Hours: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Acres Homes Multi-Service Center
Address: 6719 W. Montgomery Rd., Houston, Texas 77091
Hours: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunnyside Multi-Service Center
Address: 4410 Reed Rd., Houston, Texas 77051
Hours: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
West Gray Multi-Purpose Center
Address: 1475 W Gray St, Houston, TX 77019
Hours: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Moody Community Center
Address: 3725 Fulton St, Houston, TX 77009
Hours: 2:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Fifth Ward Multi-Service Center
Address: 4014 Market St, Houston, TX 77020
Hours: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Kashmere Multi-Service Center
Address: 4802 Lockwood Dr, Houston, TX 77026
Hours: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Houston Public Library Open Thursday, July 11, 2024 – 9 a.m. – 6 pm.
Alief Regional Library (located inside the Alief Community Center)
Address: 11903 Bellaire, 77072
Phone: 832-393-1820
Blue Ridge Neighborhood Library
Address: 7007 West Fuqua, 77489
Phone: 832-393-2370
Bracewell Neighborhood Library
Address: 9002 Kingspoint, 77075
Phone: 832-393-2580
Carnegie Neighborhood Library
Address: 1050 Quitman, 77009
Phone: 832-393-1720
Central Library
Address: 500 McKinney, 77002
Phone: 832-393-1313
Flores Neighborhood Library
Address: 110 N Milby, 77004
Phone: 832-393-1780
Johnson Neighborhood Library
Address: 3517 Reed Rd, 77051
Phone: 832-393-2550
Jungman Neighborhood Library
Address: 5830 Westheimer, 77057
Phone: 832-393-1860
Kendall Neighborhood Library
Address: 609 N. Eldridge, 77079
Phone: 832-393-1880
Montrose Neighborhood Library
Address: 4100 Montrose Blvd, 77006
Phone: 832-393-1800
Oak Forest Neighborhood Library
Address: 1349 West 43rd St, 77018
Phone: 832-393-1960
Robinson-Westchase Neighborhood Library
Address: 3223 Wilcrest, 77042
Phone: 832-393-2011
Southwest Express Library (located inside the Southwest Multi-Service Center)
Address: 6400 High Star, 77074
Phone: 832-393-2660
Stanaker Neighborhood Library
Address: 611 S/Sgt Macario Garcia, 77011
Phone: 832-393-2080
Walter Neighborhood Library
Address: 7660 Clarewood, 77036
Phone: 832-393-2500
Family History Research Center
Address: 5300 Caroline St, 77004
Phone: 832-393-2600
African American History Research Center
Address: 1300 Victor St, 77019
Phone: 832-393-1440
Houston History Research Center
Address: 550 McKinney, 77002
Phone: 832-393-1662
YMCA - Cooling Centers
Address: 10655 Clay Rd., Houston, TX 77041
Hours: 5:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Address: 1700 W League City Pkwy, League City, TX 77573
Hours: 4:30 AM – 9:00 PM
Address: 808 Pease St., Houston, TX 77002
Hours: 5:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Address: 1331 Augusta Dr., Houston, TX 77057
Hours: 5:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Address: 7101 Stella Link Blvd., Houston TX 77025
Hours: 5:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Address: 7850 Howell Sugarland Rd., Houston, TX 77083
Hours: 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
International Services
Address: 3110 Hayes Rd., Suite 300, Houston, TX 77082
Hours: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Non-profit - Cooling Centers
Lakewood Church
Address: 3700 Southwest Fwy, Houston, TX 77027
Hours: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Compudopt Office
Address: 1602 Airline Drive, Houston, Texas 77009
Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Details: The charging stations can accommodate up to 25 persons at one time. Six laptops will also be available for use by families.
American Red Cross - Shelter Locations
Champion Forest Baptist Church
16518 Jersey Dr. Houston TX, 77040
Opens at 11 P.M. July 10, 2024
Harris County Cooling Centers, Heat Safety, and Recovery
Precinct 1
Cooling Centers
Open from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
• Lincoln Park Community Center - 979 Grenshaw St., Houston, 77088
• Julia C. Hester House - 2020 Solo St, Houston, TX 77020
Distribution Locations
Open from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (or until supplies run out)
• Harris County Precinct One Central Service Center - 7901 El Rio St,
Houston, TX 77054
• Lincoln Park Community Center - 979 Grenshaw St, Houston, 77088
• Julia C. Hester House - 2020 Solo St, Houston, TX 77020
Precinct 2
Cooling Centers
Hardy Community Center: 11901 W Hardy Rd, Houston, TX 77076
• EHAC: 7340 Spencer Hwy, Pasadena, TX, 77505
• Flukinger Community Center: 16003 Lorenzo St, Channelview, TX 77530
Precinct 3
All programming at Precinct 3 Community Centers are cancelled until further notice; however, they will begin distributing water and food while supplies last.
Due to power issues, the following Community Centers will close after supplies run out:
Barrett Station Community Center
• May Community Center
• San Jacinto Community Center
• George H.W. Bush Community Center
The following Community Centers will also distribute food and water supplies, but will remain open during normal hours (8 a.m. - 8 p.m.) for the public to charge devices and enjoy free Wi-Fi in an air-conditioned facility:
• Crosby Community Center
• Big Stone Lodge
• Trini Mendenhall Community Center
• Juergen's Hall Community Center
For more information, contact the community center directly:
Precinct 4
Community Centers opening Wednesday - Friday, 11am to 1pm for food and water distribution are:
Steve Radack Community Center, 18650 Clay Rd, Houston, TX 77084
• Bayland Community Center, 6400 Bissonnet St, Houston, TX 77074 (in
addition to MREs and water we may have red cross providing hot meals,
subject to availability)
Cooling Centers open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. are:
• Steve Radack Community Center, 18650 Clay Rd, Houston, TX 77084
• Bayland Community Center, 6400 Bissonnet St, Houston, TX 77074
• Richard & Meg Weekley Community Center, 8440 Greenhouse Rd, Cypress,
TX 77433
• Hockley Community Center: 28515 Old Washington Rd, Hockley, TX
• Peckham Aquatic & Fitness Center: 5597 Gardenia Ln, Katy, TX
For more information, contact the community center directly:
Drive Through Distribution Locations (1:00 PM - 5:00 PM)
Acres Homes MSC
6719 West Montgomery Rd. 77091
Northeast MSC
9720 Spaulding St. 77016
Sunnyside MSC
4410 Reed Rd. 77051
Southwest MSC
6400 High Star Dr. 77074
Denver Harbor MSC
6402 Market St. 77007
White Oak Conference Center (10:00 AM – 12:00 PM)
7603 Antoine Dr. 77088
Memorial Assistance Ministries (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM)
1625 Blaylock Rd. 77080
To view the most current list of cooling centers, charging centers and shelter locations visit,
Storm Debris Collection
Residents with storm debris should place debris between the sidewalk and the street without being contained by a plastic bag, or it will not be collected. Please report your storm debris to Houston 311 (713-837-0311). If you have trouble reporting your storm debris to 311 please email our office ( and we will make sure it gets reported.
If you don't have a sidewalk, ditch, or utility line in front of your home, place debris at the edge of your property before the curb. Do not stack or lean debris on trees, fire hydrants, or other structures.
Please remember to separate your debris into the following six categories:
Normal Household Trash:
Normal household trash and bagged debris of any kind will not be picked up as part of this program. Continue to follow your normal garbage removal schedule.
Vegetative Debris:
leaves (not in bags), logs, plants & tree branches
Construction & Demolition Debris:
building materials, carpet, drywall, furniture, lumber, mattresses, and plumbing
Appliances & White Goods:
air conditioners, dishwashers, freezers, refrigerators, etc.
computers, radios, televisions, and other devices with cords
Household Hazardous waste
cleaning supplies, batteries, lawn chemicals, oils, paints & stains, and pesticides
Reporting Storm Damage
It is very important if your home was damaged in this storm event, report it to the Texas Division of Emergency Management.
Property damage reports help officials determine eligibility for disaster assistance and identify resource needs.
Fill out the survey online:
Reporting damages to the Texas Division of Emergency Management is voluntary and not a substitute for reporting damage to your insurance agency.
Here are some general insurance recovery resources.
Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Reporting Claims:
Online: Use the Policyholder Portal
Chat: Use the 24-hour chat option on the claims webpage
Text: Text "Hello" to (512) 645-2846
Call: Call (800) 788-8247, select option 1
TWIA Claim Reporting Checklist
Solid Waste Management Department (SWM)
Collection and Facility Schedule
The City of Houston's Solid Waste Management Department (SWM) announces additional service interruptions for this week. Due to the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl’s high winds and rain across the City, SWM will operate a modified collection schedule for the remainder of the week.
For additional information, download the HTX Collects mobile application or contact the 3-1-1 call center. Residents can also use the 3-1-1 online portal at to report any storm-related concerns. Please see the collection schedule changes below:
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Thursday’s garbage, heavy tree waste, and storm debris will be collected.
Friday, July 12, 2024
Friday’s garbage, heavy tree waste, and storm debris will be collected.
Saturday, July 13, 2024
Heavy tree waste and storm debris operations will continue.
State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry
The State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR) program is a free registry that provides local emergency planners and emergency responders with additional information on the needs in their community.
Texas communities use the registry information in different ways. Registering yourself in the STEAR registry DOES NOT guarantee that you will receive a specific service during an emergency. Available services will vary by community. For more information on how your community will use information in the STEAR registry, contact your local emergency management office or visit
Dear Friends,
As storms and flooding continue across our region and severe weather remains in the forecast, please stay safe and adhere to emergency alerts. Please know I am working closely with our State and local officials to ensure we are able to provide you with the best possible information and recovery assistance.
State and local officials are working to identify damages and immediate resource needs. To assist with the damage assessment, please self-report damage to homes, businesses, and agriculture using the Individual State of Texas Assessment Tool (iSTAT), which can be accessed through The information provided through iSTAT helps officials identify immediate resource needs and aids in determining eligibility for disaster assistance.
Also, if you have insurance and you have experienced flooding or other storm related damage, be sure to file a claim with your insurance company. Anyone with damage, even if you have insurance, still needs to file a report with iSTAT.
As more storms are expected, you are encouraged to monitor local forecasts, make an emergency plan, and follow directions from local officials. Please remember it is important to use verified news sources including local news stations. Websites with some helpful information include Ready Harris (, Harris County Flood Warning System (, Houston TranStar (, and the National Weather Service Houson/Galveston Forecast Office (
You may also locate flood risk information at, check road conditions at, access safety information at, and visit for preparedness tips.
As we learn more about the overall impacts of the storms, my office will be here to assist with information and if eligible, federal agency assistance. Please stay safe and be well.
Dan Crenshaw
Member of Congress
Washington Office 248 Cannon HOB | Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-6565
Kingwood Office |1849 Kingwood Dr, Suite 100 | Kingwood, TX 77339
(713) 860-1330
The Woodlands Office |2829 Technology Forest, Suite 280 | Houston, TX 77381
(281) 640-7720
Our next meeting will be on June 25th at 7:30pm at the Old Firehouse.
Council Member Fred Flickinger’s April Newsletter
Read the newsletter in original format HERE
Monthly Newsletter April 5, 2024 Issue 2
Dear District E Residents,
Yesterday, Mayor Whitmire announced significant changes to how the city charges customers for water use to restore transparency and trust in the system. Over the past year, we have heard from many residents regarding inaccurate water bills. In 2023, changes were made to city ordinance to address the concerns, but these policy changes were insufficient.
Starting April 1, 2024, single-family residential customers will have set usage calculated, which will be reflected in their May bill. This set usage will provide customers with consistent water bills while Houston Public Works (HPW) makes necessary improvements to ensure the accuracy of future monthly water usage readings: Customers’ set usage will be calculated as the average monthly water consumption, available on your account, using up to 36 months of data. More info on this here. The calculation will NOT include charges during the City’s drought or freeze, water leaks on a customer’s property, or charges for zero or estimated bills. This set usage will prevent surprises in water bills, as the city works to accelerate the replacement of failed remote meter reading devices. If customers are using less water than their set usage and have a working remote read device, they will be billed for their actual usage. If customers are using less water than their set usage and do not have a working remote read device they will receive a credit for the difference between their actual usage and set usage once their remote read device has been replaced. Single-family residential customers will continue to receive a set usage bill until an upgraded remote reading device is installed on their property or the accuracy of the current remote reading device is verified. The city expects to install approximately 125,000 remote reading devices throughout Houston beginning immediately and will fast-track the replacement of failed devices. Customers with an upgraded, working remote reading device will transition to a water bill reflecting their actual usage as early as August 2024. These customers will receive a notice 60 days before their bill is transitioned to the new billing format.
The primary issue causing high and often inaccurate water bills is failing water meter remote read devices. A failing transmitter does not affect your water meter’s ability to accurately measure consumption, but it does affect the ability to accurately transmit consumption information. The City currently has 125,000 failing devices with the capacity to read only 40,000 meters manually each month. This has necessitated estimated bills, calculated using an outdated algorithm.
The city started the effort to replace end-of-life remote read devices in 2019 and so far, 85,000 devices have been replaced. Replacement efforts were stalled during the pandemic when the chip shortage slowed technology procurement globally. Throughout the rest of the year, HPW will redirect meter-reading resources and add contractors to accelerate the remote read device replacement efforts, to replace the 125,000 devices that have already failed by the end of the year.
Customers who are in queue to have their failing remote read device replaced will receive a notice once their device has been upgraded and tested. After confirmation of a working device, customers will receive a 60-day notice before they are converted back to actual billing.
In addition, HPW is working on several changes and upgrades to the water billing system to ensure a holistic approach to tackling the various issues, including:Expand in-person customer service availability. Customers can now schedule in-person appointments to ask questions about their bill. These appointments will take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between 10 am – 3 pm at 4200 Leeland (Houston Public Works Water Customer Service Office). There is also a virtual Microsoft Teams option. Customers can schedule appointments at or by calling 713.371.1400.Employ new quality control measures to alert to possible inaccurate bills and easy resolution process for disputed bills.Streamline relief requests into one centralized form.Redesign the utility bill to make it easier for customers to understand.Amend confusing city ordinances that bureaucratize water billing customer service.Develop a leak detection feature for private water lines to notify single-family residential customers of leaks on their property.Implement triggers to pause the auto-draft payment of a customer’s bill when it exceeds a certain threshold.
More information about this program can be found at, including how to update your contact information to receive alerts about changes to your billing. If you have questions about this program, please reach out to the HPW contact center at (713) 371-1400 between 8:00 am and 7:00 pm Monday through Friday or email
I believe these changes represent a meticulous and careful approach to the issues that have plagued residents over the last few years. I look forward to seeing how these changes positively impact residents and if anyone experiences any issues please don’t hesitate to contact my office.
The District E Office
Council Member Fred Flickinger
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: (832) 393-3008
The District E Team
Dustin Hodges Chief of Staff
Mark Mitchell Deputy Chief of Staff
Demari Perez North Sector Manager
City Resources
Kingwood Community Center(281) 348-2570
Houston 311 (713) 837-0311
City of Houston Solid Waste Department
City of Houston Office of Emergency Management
Community Resources
Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce
South Belt-Ellington Chamber of Commerce
Partnership Lake Houston
Kingwood Service Association
Kingwood Super Neighborhood Council
Mark Mitchell, Deputy Chief of Staff
The District E office welcomes back our newest team member, Mark Mitchell, who is now the Deputy Chief of Staff for District E.
Mark is a lifelong Houstonian; he was born and raised in the South Belt-Ellington area. He graduated from Texas A&M at Galveston with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marine Biology.
Mark previously spent time in the District E office as the South Sector Manager. He then left to join the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership where he was a Marketing Manager, and Program Manager for the Space Alliance Technology Outreach Program.
Mark is looking forward to picking up where he left off serving his community as a member of the District E Team. We’re happy to have him back!
Tree Lane Bridge Rehabilitation Project
Council Member Fred Flickinger would like to make Kingwood area residents aware that Houston Public Works will begin the Tree Lane Bridge Rehabilitation Project beginning Monday, April 8, 2024, and scheduled to conclude Monday, September 9, 2024, weather permitting.
The scope of work includes repairs to the Ben’s Branch channel and columns of the bridge, ensuring that the structural integrity of the bridge is bolstered to withstand potential scour/erosion challenges. The project cost is $909,000 and is funded by the dedicated drainage and street renewal fund.
The rehabilitation project is a necessary response to the rip rap failures under the bridge, which have resulted in severe scour/erosion, posing potential risks to access and safety. Furthermore, the channel condition under the bridge has been identified as a significant contributor to the flooding of Ben’s Branch natural stream, emphasizing the urgency of implementing immediate improvements for flood prevention and protection.
As a result of the construction activities, please be aware of flagmen and orange traffic cones that will be put in place on-site to help with traffic flow through the construction zone as the project will require one lane closure at times. Businesses and residents will have access to driveways and sidewalks at all times and may experience an increase in noise levels due to trucks and equipment in the area.
Texas Lyceum 2024 Public Conference Mission Control: Texas’ Leadership in Space, Technology, and Innovation
Council Member Flickinger and District E staff attended the 2024 Texas Lyceum Public Conference along with attendees from across the state. At the conference Texas elected officials and Aerospace Industry leaders gathered to discuss Texas’ leadership role in the development of the Lower Earth Orbit (LEO) economy, advancements in the Aerospace Sector, and the growth of the Texas Aerospace Industry Workforce.
In the second half of the conference, attendees had the opportunity to visit the Houston Spaceport, Space Center Houston, and NASA Johnson Space Center. For more information about the Texas Lyceum Public Conference please click HERE.
Partnership Lake Houston’s Kingwood Bizcom
Council Member Flickinger was honored to attend the highly anticipated Kingwood BizCom event on February 22nd. It was an exceptional gathering, where a diverse range of businesses, community members, and school officials united to address the specific needs of Kingwood.
The event featured distinguished speakers who brought their expertise and insights to the table. Among them, the notable presence of Congressman Dan Crenshaw added immense significance. Congressman Crenshaw, known for his leadership and dedication, shared his vision for the community’s progress and inspired all in attendance.
Additionally, Council Member Fred Flickinger, actively contributed to the event. His valuable perspective on community development and ongoing progress resonated with the participants, further reinforcing his commitment to Kingwood.
The Kingwood BizCom event provided an invaluable platform to foster collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and community engagement. The contributions of Wes Soloman, Devon Alexander, Desirae Perry, and Billy Beattie further enriched the discussions, addressing various aspects of importance to Kingwood.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the speakers and attendees for their active participation and dedication to the betterment of Kingwood. Together, we can continue building a thriving community.
Greater Houston Partnership’s Future of Texas
In February, Council Member Flickinger joined Council Members Twila Carter and Joaquin Martinez as a featured speaker on a panel for the Greater Houston Partnership’s Future of Texas series.
This series was specifically designed for government relations, public affairs professionals, and concerned citizens who are passionate about shaping the future of our great state. During the event, Council Members Flickinger, Carter, and Martinez delved into the most pressing issues facing the city and shared their plans and priorities for their first term in office.
This panel discussion provided a unique opportunity for Greater Houston Partnership members to engage with leaders, gain valuable insights, and actively participate in shaping the future of our city and state. We hope that those who had the opportunity to attend found it informative.
NASA Johnson Space Center Exploration Park
NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) announced the plans to develop 240-acres of land at JSC, named Exploration Park, with the Texas A&M University System as the first tenant. Texas A&M University plans to construct a facility to enable human spaceflight research and development, the Texas A&M Space Institute.
The American Center for Manufacturing & Innovation (ACMI) was the second tenant to be announced. ACMI will help build out commercial and defense facilities aimed at space exploration, manufacturing and advancing similar technology at the unused land just outside the fence of Johnson Space Center. The development will be a Space Systems Campus. The goal is for the site to be an applied research facility that partners several different kinds of agencies, from academia to the government.
Freeway Manor Civic Club MeetingCouncil Member Flickinger had the pleasure of attending Freeway Manor Civic Club’s March meeting. The primary topic on the agenda was the ongoing issues with illegal dumping and squatters in homes in the Freeway Manor, Sun Valley Terrace, and Gulfway Terrace neighborhoods. Also in attendance was HPD Chief Finner, Executive Assistant Chief Larry Satterwhite, Assistant Chief Adrian Rodriguez, HPD-Clear Lake Commander Claudia Cruz, and Constable Precinct 2 Jerry Garcia.
Council Member Flickinger had the opportunity to take a tour of the community with a group of leaders the day before to see the issues firsthand. Thank you to residents who are leading on these issues and to HPD and Constable Jerry Garcia for their commitment to resolving them.
Kingwood Battery, Oil, Paint, and Antifreeze Event Bear Branch Elementary Tree Planting
Council Member Flickinger was excited to participate in the Bear Branch Elementary Tree Planting event. The event was a collaborative effort by the phenomenal 3rd-grade teacher teams at Bear Branch Elementary, Trees for Kingwood, Jesse Jones Park, and Apache Corporation.
The 3rd-grade students were taught about the importance of planting and taking care of trees, and the long-term effects it has on our environment. Through this educational collaboration, an impressive total of 232 trees were grown to be planted in the community.
This event provided a hands-on learning experience for the students and highlighted the significance of environmental stewardship within the community. By planting these trees, the students are directly contributing to the beautification and sustainability of the Livable Forest.
The dedication and efforts of the 3rd-grade teacher team at Bear Branch Elementary, their enthusiastic students, Trees for Kingwood, Jesse Jones Park, and Apache Corporation for organizing such a meaningful and impactful event.
Report a Streetlight Outage
CenterPoint Energy maintains streetlights throughout District E and the City of Houston. If you notice a streetlight out in your area, please click on the link below to report a streetlight outage.You will be asked to provide:a pole number (or nearby address) for the non-functioning lights you want to reportcontact information (in case more information is needed to locate a streetlight)an e-mail address (if you want feedback regarding your repair request)the number of streetlights you would like to reportThe system will guide you through the remaining steps. To report a streetlight outage using the interactive map, click here.Report general power outages by calling 713-207-2222 or toll-free 800-332-7143.
Utilizing 3-1-1 to Report Issues
Residents may act as extra eyes and ears on the streets, and soon you’ll be able to report a pothole, a malfunctioning traffic light, or a drainage problem while you’re out and about. Houston 311 has launched a new smartphone app that makes reporting issues like these easier than ever. The app uses GPS to identify your location and also allows you to snap a photo to add to your service request. The new app allows for reports to be automatically routed to city departments for resolutions.
You can still alert the City of Houston of issues by dialing 3-1-1 or 713-837-0311 of potential problems in your community. Houstonians can also access this helpful service via an e-mail to A self Service Request (SR) form is available online at Once you’ve reported a problem please follow up with the District E office by emailing your case number and information on the issue to the District E office at to help ensure the problem is addressed promptly.
District E Electronic Recycling Events
District E Upcoming Monthly Event
Email the District E office ( if you would like us to include your upcoming event in future newsletters!
April 10 – Association Clear Lake Communities Monthly Meeting (Zoom)
April 12 – Community Response Task Force Monthly Meeting
April 15 – HPD-Eastside Positive Interaction Program Meeting
April 16 – HPD-Kingwood Positive Interaction Program Meeting
April 16 – HPD-Clearlake Positive Interaction Program Meeting
April 17 – Kingwood Super Neighborhood Council (Zoom)
April 25 – BAHEP General Membership MeetingApril 27 – Kingwood Battery, Oil, Paint, and Antifreeze (BOPA)
See a pothole, report it by calling (713) 837-0311
Tune to HTV Houston to watch live and recorded City Council and Committee Meetings.
The Board will be discussing the FCPOA Budget and FCPOA Operations Fee at the November meeting. The Board will consider whether to raise the fee for the 2024 budget year Thanksgiving is on the 4th Thursday in November, so the November meeting will be held on the 3rd Thursday of the month (November 16, 2023) at 7:30 p.m. People will be able to attend the meeting virtually and in person.
The POA election was held May 25
The following were elected to FCPOA Board of Directors : Steve Atchison, Nicole Lewis, and Ron Miller
The Results Are:
Steve Atchison - 79 votes
Stephanie Chapman - 30 votes
Nicole Lewis - 80 votes
Traci Matthews - 45 votes
Ron Miller - 51 votes
Dear residents,
In case you missed it, I hope District E residents are just as proud as I am of Culture Map’s article last month, “Houston's 'Livable Forest' neighbor tops Heights as hottest neighborhood on the market in 2023”. When Hurricane Harvey ravaged the Kingwood Area in 2017, there were two paths for our commuinity to take. One that led to degradation and decline, the other path resilience and restoration. Culture Map refers to the community aesthetic of Kingwood, our green landscape, rich tree canopy, 14,000 acres of community, but does not touch on who lives in Kingwood.
Kingwood is made up of people with a true sense of community and grit, many residents have laid down roots so deep that not even over 48 inches of water can stop Kingwood when it rallies together. It started with our “Plea for Three” as Residents, Businesses, and area leaders banded together with a vision. Post-Harvey major projects were identified, committed to, and then work began with the immediate interior channel remediation projects and desilting of over four (4) million cubic yards of material in the San Jacinto River and Lake Houston.
Partnership projects were identified on Ben’s Branch, Taylor Gulley, and the Kingwood Diversion Channel. Groundbreaking of Northpark Drive commenced on April 13 and will provide the Kingwood Community with its very own hurricane evacuation route, increased lane capacity, and a grade separation over the railroad tracks at Tx Loop 494. I've been working diligently to put a stop to bad development negatively impacting the Elm Grove Community by purchasing a future potential home site that was flooding Villages in the northern area of Kingwood. Kingwood is not just a neighborhood with houses, it’s a community of people unlike anywhere in the City of Houston.
I am committed to annual projects district wide like dead and dangerous tree removal, concrete panel replacements, working with local developers to improve commercial developments in the area and funding police overtime initiatives to enhance community safety. It's rewarding to see an independent Magazine recognize our efforts since August 27, 2017 and declare Kingwood as the "HOTTEST" Neighborhood in the City of Houston.
It’s easy to take our community for granted, and the work being done around the City of Houston, but this makes it real, the Kingwood Community is doing amazing things and standing out for all the right reasons. God Bless and #Kingwood Strong, next year we will strive to have Kingwood AND Clear Lake at the top of this list.
The District E Office will be closed on Monday, May 29 in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday.
Read the whole newsletter HERE
HOUSTON - Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin would like to make District E residents aware that Houston Parks and Recreation Department is working on a grant proposal to secure federal funding for a Hazard Tree Removal Program. The proposed program would involve working with homeowners to identify and remove dead trees and overgrown limbs within their yard, at no cost to the homeowner. Homeowners would also be eligible for replacement trees.
This Hazardous Tree Removal Survey is intended to help them determine how many homeowners would be interested in a program like this. HPARD is asking for everyone to share this survey with your neighbors and let them know if a Hazard Tree Removal Program is something your community wants.
The survey is currently open for your submission and will remain open through May 26, 2023. For any questions, please contact and click here to take the online survey.
New Beacon Posted. View it HERE
Houston Hazard Mitigation Plan : The City of Houston’s Office of Emergency Management is updating Houston’s Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). The Plan guides actions the City will take to reduce risk and impacts from disasters over the next five years and beyond. The Hazard Mitigation Plan also allows Houston to receive funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to reduce our community’s vulnerability to disasters. The City’s goal is to prevent damage before it occurs, save lives, protect property, and limit the cost of recovery throughout Houston. The Hazard Mitigation Plan is important for our City to be safe and resilient.
Forest Cove residents Damian Pool, Dr. Ron Miller, Marcus Rutledge, Doug Delamore, Johnathon Fogleman and Pedro Gutierrez and Board Member Matt Treadwell help the board rework the playground fall zone. These guys generously dedicated their time to remove rotted landscape timbers and replace with new. A hearty thank you to all of these men for the great job on the fall zone.
Additional thanks go to Matt Treadwell for scraping vegetation from the fall zone and distributing the sand around the perimeter inyo smaller piles, Randy Koshnick for tilling the fall zone, and Meredith and Sarah Crowe for raking the sand over the fall zone. It all looks great!
The Board thanks all of you!
POA meeting this Thursday, 9/22/22. Email for an invite to the virtual meeting if you would like to attend.
New August Beacon Has Been Posted Check it Out HERE
New June Beacon Has Been Posted Check it Out HERE
Veteran’s Float in the Parade!!!
There will be a float in the parade that any veteran will be able to ride on! The float is a flatbed trailer so bring something to sit on if you would like! Line up starts at 9 am parade starts at 10 am
Thanks to all the veterans and see y’all there!
Contacts for 4th of July - Contact if you have questions or if you can volunteer to help out with any of the following:
Steve : Brisket Prep / Slice / Smoker Pit Shifts Sunday night - 281.757.0732 or
Lorena : Serving of food - Text 281.300.3011
Nicole : Door Prizes - Call/Text 936.776.2118
Vicky : Parade - Call/Text 832.741.9216
Dessert contest entry form posted HERE ( Please print and bring to the event on the 4th if you can. We will have some at the table too.)
Everyone’s Favorite Townhomes are coming down!
4th of July Is a GO! Check the Upcoming Events Page HERE for more information
Check the pool tab on this website for hours and other information.
If anyone knows someone looking for a summer gig.
FAST is looking to hire a few life guards, please apply.
Election Results:
Joy Sadler
Wade Hopper
Matt Treadwell
Officer Positions:
President: Joy Sadler
VP: Matt Tielkemeijer
Treasurer: Wade Hopper
Secretary: Meredith Crowe
Asst. Secretary: Stephanie Chapman
FCPOA Elections will be May 26! Early voting will be 5-7pm. Regular voting will be during the virtual POA meeting 7:30-8pm. You must sign your ballot for it to be counted. Ballots will be on-site during the election time.
On the Ballot:
Wade Hopper
Nicole Lewis
Ron Miller
Erica Rutledge
Joy Sadler
Matt Treadwell
Debra Vaughn
Up for re-election :
Joy Sadler - President
Wade Hopper - Treasurer, Architectural (ACC)
Debra Vaughan - Assistant Secretary, Deed Restrictions
Voting will occur at at the old firehouse (1108 Mustang Trail). Early voting will be 5-7pm. Regular voting will be during the virtual POA meeting 7:30-8pm. You must sign your ballot for it to be counted.
April 2 and 9th there will be a community work day/sign ups at the Forest Cove Pool for SWIM TEAM !! Would be great to see everyone come out and hang with you neighbors. 10-12 AM April 2 and April 9, see yall there!
March 30, 2022
Contact: Jessica Beemer (832) 393-3008
Midlothian Lane
Roadside Rehabilitation Project Scheduled
HOUSTON - Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin would like to make Kingwood area residents aware Houston Public Works will begin a roadside ditch rehabilitation project conducted by the Storm Water Action Team starting Monday, April 11, weather permitting. The scope of work includes re-grading the ditches and replacing the driveway culverts along Midlothian Lane and Castle Hill Trail. The cost of the project is $380,000 and is funded through the Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Fund.
Crews will be mobilized on-site beginning Monday, April 11 and the project is expected to be completed by Monday, July 11, weather permitting. Construction activities are expected to take place from 7:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Residents should be aware of possible lane closures and delays when traveling through this area.
As a result of the construction activities, please be aware of flagmen and orange traffic cones that will be used to help with traffic flow through the construction zone. Residents will have access to driveways at all times and may experience an increase in noise levels due to trucks and equipment in the area. Patience is appreciated as City crews work in this area.
For more information, please contact the District E office at (832) 393-3008 or via email at
Check upcoming events tab for information about the Spring Driveway Market in Forest Cove APRIL 23!
Next POA meeting is on March 24. Email for your invite
Hopefully everyone is doing alright after our winter tornado experience… hang in there FC !
The City of Houston solid waste was in our area assessing the need for debris removal, and they will begin picking up debris in our area no later than Wednesday morning. However, they may begin picking up debris as early as Tuesday January 11, 2022 at 7:00 a.m.
Call the City 311 service by dialing (713) 837-0311 to let them know you have debris to pick up.
Also, if possible, segregate tree debris from household (sheetrock, insulation) debris.
Beginning tomorrow, Thursday, January 6, the Kingwood Community Center parking lot will operate as a mega testing site from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday throughout the month of January. The site will open at 9:00 a.m. and will have a daily capacity of 800 tests. Appointments are not required.
Kingwood Community Center
4102 Rustic Woods, Kingwood, TX 77345
January 6, 2022 through January 31, 2022
Mondays through Saturdays
9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
There are additional testing sites throughout the City open to the public for free testing. You may see a comprehensive list of those sites by visiting the City's COVID-19 information website here.
Should you wish to make an appointment, appointment registration is available by phone:
Age 60 and older (Area Agency on Aging): 832-393-4301.
People with disabilities (Aging and Disability Resource Center): 832-393-5500.
Additional assistance (COVID-19 Call Center): 832-393-4220.
People can learn about new appointment opportunities through email, text message, voice call, or mobile app push notification by registering for the HoustonRecovers subscription of AlertHouston at
Additionally, the Harris County Area Agency on Aging offers free COVID-19 in-home testing. To qualify, you must reside in Harris County. Call 832-393-4301 or 800-213-8471 for more information.
The Texas Department of State Health Services has created an interactive map to assist in locating COVID-19 Vaccine Providers within your community. Additionally, their website has more resources related to the Texas Plan for the COVID-19 Vaccine.
Stay safe and healthy,
Dave Martin
Mayor Pro Tem
District E Council Member
Check the Archives for 2021 Updates

Neighborhood Updates